'Learning to code opens your eyes up to the reality that there’s nothing “smart” about computers, they are ultra-fast morons that blindly execute instructions written by real, fallible people. Understanding the complexity of defining problems and designing (partial) solutions in code gives an appreciation for why software is the way it is.
Next, you’re empowered with a meaningful vocabulary. Clients, servers, databases, browsers, etc.; if you need to work with someone technical, you’ll be able to do less-handwaving, and more communicating.
Beyond context and language, code-literacy and competency is a competitive-advantage when applying to many jobs, and soon I suspect an increasing requirement. Software is nothing but human information-processes automated by a machine, and so knowledge workers who know which pieces of their workflow can be automated (literacy), and potentially automate it by themselves (competency) will be those who command the best positions.
Learning to code is like viewing the full-length mirror of your logical thinking inadequacies, it’s quite humbling. Therefore, it requires persistence, patience and practice. The good news is, there has never been a better time to learn. In the age of Google, nearly every problem you run into has a solution that’s only a search-term away.
So just remember:
1) Computers are dumb, and they don’t get smarter: you do.
2) Learning by doing is the only thing that makes sense.
3) Use Google freely and without guilt. You’ll end up smarter and more self-sufficient.'
Click here to practice simple commands in JavaScript, HTML and CSS, Python and Ruby.
Codecademy. (2013). Codecademy. Learn to code interactively, for free. Web. Retrieved on 1 of
March 2013 from http://www.codecademy.com/#!/exercises/0
Frick, Walter. (December 11, 2012). Street Wise Media. BostInno. Web. Retrieved on 1 of
Gross, Jessica. (January 29, 2013). TED Blog.10 places where anyone can learn to code. Blog. Retrieved on 1 of
March 2013 from http://blog.ted.com/2013/01/29/10-places-where-anyone-can-learn-to-code/