Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why We Need To Teach Technology in School

This video illustrates the importance on technology and how it has changed over time. By learning these new technologies, teachers can incorporate these tools in their classrooms. If used correctly, not only will students be engages, but they will have gained knowledge. When students are engaged in a hands-on activity or learning more about their interest, they will have retained that knowledge. Thus, they will have a higher success rate.


Anderscj. (August 12, 2007). Why We Need To Teach Technology In School [Video]. Retrieved on 10 July 2011 from


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! The possibilities of collaboration is endless! Good luck and Blog your heart out!

  2. The other day my daughter was trying to explain to her great-grandmother the game she was playing on her Nintendo DS. As grandma didn't quite "get it", she said, you just have to be a "technology kid" to understand it. Grandma said, what's that? Sarah's answer was, "Power".

    Technology is power, that is a powerful statement from an eight year old child. Whether she meant that as "electricity" or as a "powerful tool", I am not sure. I played this video for her and explained that the wheel, the pencil, slates, those are all examples of technology yet electricity was not required. Her new definition...Technology is things changing.

    Like this video explains, we must engage kids of today to keep up with our changing world. Ready or it comes!

  3. Out if the mouths of babes...Christie's daughter makes a good point. It leads me to think that we can't just assume that our "technology kids" will automatically "get it" when it comes to technology--- both how to use it and how to behave with it. Netiquette and cyberbullying, for example, are part of the Web 2.0 framework in which we all operate. Working safely with technology requires that WE explicitly teach what to do with it. If we don't, who will?

  4. The kids do have the technology already and it seems that sometimes they know about before the adults do. My 6 year old is always asking me to download a new app for her iPod touch (I gave her my old on her birthday). It amazes me what she asks for. She has doll dress-up app, a sketchpad, and tons of other things too.

    It seems as though that we need to keep up with the kiddos at times.

    What I think we need to really focus on is pointing them to constructive apps...something that expands them mentally, not just a waste of time.

    -Patrick Moseley
