Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Online Cloud

Cloud: an online database that stores files and can be accessed from any location with internet access

Sugarsync is a secure cloud which will back up your online files and sync any file with other devices. Your data files such as documents, music, photos, and videso are now at your fingertips. I believe this is an excellent way to save space, save money, and save time when creating projects.

I recommend you try using this cloud for FREE. Simply click here to try Sugarsync now. The link will offer different plans that fit your digital style. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can try it FREE.

5 GB Free Plan - Not a trial but a free account with no credit cards and no monthly payment. Sign up

Reference: SugarSync. (2011). Personal Cloud. SugarSync, Inc. Retrieved on 20 of September from http://www.sugarsync.com.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Teacher's Communicating Via Web 2.0 Tools

Teachers are taking advantage of the technology mediums available to communicate with parents and the community. Rodriguez Elementary Teacher, Mrs. Ayala, uses Facebook to update parents about the activities conducted in the classroom. Congratulations to Mrs. Ayala for receiving 400+ followers her Kinder Fun Facebook Page. Not only is Mrs. Ayala using Facebook, but she has also created a Kinder Fun Blog that informs the community about P.T.A., the curriculum, and classroom bulletins.

Mrs. Perea's Kinder Class has also jumped aboard the technology craze. You can become a follower on her Facebook Page or view classroom updates via her blog.

At Harlingen High School, Mrs. L. Salinas has also created a blog to inform her parents and students about the material covered in World Geography. She has also included benefical links for student research.

This avenue has been exciting and enriching for the educators, parents, and community members involved.

Let's continue moving forward with the use of the new technology tools!

Students Participate in Blogging

Coakley Middle School, among other schools within the Harlingen Independent School District are turning to technology and integrating lessons that are curriculum-based. As and English Language Arts and Reading teacher, I have created a Classroom Forum where my students will discuss and post their opinions which will pertain to classroom lessons and activites. I'm looking forward to increase student participation and keep my students engaged.

Mrs. D. Cedillo